
Sunday, June 27, 2010


Finally done with the screwest exam ever!I mean theory part. Pracs not that scary anyway because they wont ask the course of some arteries or nerves. And biochem we have done for like times so it is okay. Abit worried about physio because I always screw my Human experiments..AHhhhhhhhh I cant speak Kannada dont ask me to deal with the kids who cant speak english!!!!!!

Ok declare to be dead.

Another week and I AM GOING BACK TO MALAYSIA. Woohoo cant wait because so many people have promised me so many things and I wanna see how many of them actually accomplished LOL. You know I am talking about you!

Gonna watch another FIFA match later. Screwed la that James fella. And Never the great goalkeeper for Germany. I bet his full name is NEVER EVER TRY TO GOAL.

Hope I have more mood to study =)

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