
Monday, November 29, 2021

 Finally I saw it with my own eyes. Something that I have always been praying for, something that I have always wanted for you.



Sunday, August 16, 2020


三十而已,拍得那么的好啊 。每一个故事情节,简单,却真实。
















Sunday, April 21, 2019










Sunday, August 5, 2018

Towards the sunshine

Died becoming Ed Sheeran's fan. Poisoned by every single word he sings from the bottom of his heart.

Had a gloomy weekend (as gloomy as the KK weather) with depressive symptoms, but deep down I know I cant continue being like this anymore.

I want my sunshine back.

I want to be how I used to be.

Enough. I want to become better, so that one day you know how silly it is to have hurt me.

So that one day you know how silly it is not to fight for a person like me.

Thursday, May 31, 2018


长大其实真的不是什么好事。参与着复杂的社会, 遇见有心机的人, 逼着自己解决越来越复杂的事。

每个人都在说- I need a break. I want to travel. 然后买机票, 努力上网找攻略, 打卡机场, 在同个景点拍20张照片, 上传脸书, 看得到多少个like, 多少人在下面羡慕的说:" 你就好了"。
然后还有然后吗? 有。回到同个工作岗位, 面对着同样的人事物。

我是这样吗?是, 肯定是。突然有一天, 却发现自己不想再做这种事了。只想定一个日期和地点出发, 然后出走, 走向未知和未来。

原来世界上除了有情歌的浪漫, 还有海浪打着沙滩的感动。

原来世界上除了有金钱的诱惑, 还有大自然的纯真。

原来世界上除了有人们的赞美, 还有微风看不到的拥抱。

原来世界上除了有网上被按赞的虚荣, 还有被浪花突然溅到的快乐。

突然察觉人生最难得的是简单, 突然觉得我最需要的, 是知足。

愿海浪带走你所有的悲伤, 愿天空带给你所有的希望。

Thursday, December 14, 2017





時間的電影 結局才知道 原來大人已沒有童謠 最後的叮嚀 最後的擁抱 我們紅著眼笑 我們都要把自己照顧好 好到遺憾無法打擾 好好的生活 好好的變老 好好假裝我 已經把你忘掉


Thursday, June 9, 2016

To Amin.

You survived more than 3 rounds of CPR. Everytime few seconds we want to give up you come back with signs of life.

1st one was at birth. Cord round neck x 3- tight. No fetal heart detected on table. You came out with thick meconium covering your whole body. Good body weight, term, but no sign of life. CPR commenced for 20min with all last resorts, when we were going to give up, suddenly monitor showed some heart beats. You came back. Faint heart beats, but you came back. Your daddy and mommy were told about your condition, first and only child, but with the severe perinatal hypoxia, you might not be able to make it at anytime. 

2nd one was a few days after you were born. Desaturated again. But somehow you came back again after CPR. Family conference done, your family agreed for DNR (do not resuscitate) if you continue to deteriorate. Somehow I feel people who choose to resuscitate when their loved ones are at the end of their lives are very selfish. Ask yourself: you want them to be better? Or you just want them to stay with you for a little bit longer? With HIE stage 3 (severe hypoxia causing multi organ dysfunction), your parents know you are not going to grow like any other kids. You won't look at them, smile at them, start sitting, standing then running like others. You won't even know how to roll over when you are 5months old. But they love you. For 74 days that you stayed in the ward, I can see nothing but their love for you. 

Your mommy comes every morning to sit next to your cot, sometimes we allow her to hold you in her arms. Your daddy comes every evening to read Yassin to you. Next to your little head there's always a small al Quran which your dad loves reading to you. He would bend his body for 15min to whisper the holy phrases to your ears. He would laugh so happily when you move your hands a little or twitch your facial muscles abit when they talk to you. 

Sometimes I wonder how do they feel seeing the parents of their neighboring cots. When the babies next to them can cry, can smile, and you can't even latch to your mom's breast. When they see me they always smile at me, greet, and we always joke aground. But it always hurts me when I think about how much they cried when they agreed for DNR. How many times would they have cried at home after you were born. 

So I always tell myself that the least thing to do for you is to care for you as much as I can. Looking at your cute handsome face I just can't accept that you are not growing up, and God is going to take you away anytime. When I was in NICU I always go to hug you whenever I'm free, because I always think you need more love than other babies. When I take blood or set line for you I always force myself to get it in only one prick, because you have suffered a lot and I don't want to cause you anymore pain. When you were fit to go home, I felt no less happier than your family. 

You followed me from NICU to 4A for 2 rotations and you came back again now. Finally grew up a little bit more, you are admitted to paediatrics ward! You weighed a little bit more now at 3 months old, didn't grow taller at all, but your limbs are stiffer than before. Your handsome little face is covered by Bipap, you struggle to breathe, I know how much you want to cough but you can't. 

That day during morning rounds we asked if your parents want to agree for DNR, and your mom weeped again. But I had so much confidence in you. You are going to grow up, with multiple hospital admissions but you are going to grow up. After so many things that happen I think
 your parents still have hope that you will be like any other kids. Even though no but we choose not to take away their hope.

Do you know you have a great daddy? He prepares milk for you, do suction at home, serve your medications, talk and laugh with you everyday you are here. 

Your mummy, needless to say, know every single thing about you better than any staff nurse or doctor. You always get angry when someone wants to poke you, but every time when I talk to you and tell you that I want to take a little bit blood, surprisingly you don't struggle at all. When you get irritated for no reason your mom and I always blame it to your dad, and we would say Amin tengah marah eh? Mesti sebab daddy kacau Amin. And your dad will continue talking to you kissing your forehead.

That day when I walked in to check on your lungs it was 7.30pm, your parents were about to break fast. On the right hand he was eating, on the left hand he was holding your arm. It hurts me so much to see this, that you are not going to sit and break fast with them forever. 

Yesterday we upgraded your setting to Cpap. That's the maximum we can do, because if you deteriorate anymore we can only stand there and look at the spO2 drop. 

Amin means trustworthy and faithful in Arabic. Underneath that name all I can see is the love and hope of your parents for you. Such a strong kid you are baby. No matter how far you can go, I will always keep you in my prayer and remember you for who you are. 

Some days when you are tired of living like this Amin, let go. Let go and come back again as a healthy baby born to the same family. You deserve to grow up and learn about this world, you deserve much much more than this. 

To dear Amin, my warrior. 

Monday, February 29, 2016




这几次想哭的时候这句话都完全没出现在脑海里, 几乎每一次都是接近崩溃地哭, 不在乎那时候身边有谁有什么。是压力大了吧,还是自己神经病了?

上个月送了本书给好朋友, 前面我写了:
Dear friend, 即使世界不断让你失望, 也要继续相信爱。

原来相信爱是那么困难的一件事, 原来有时候现实可以很残忍的把你一直坚信的东西毁掉, 原来世界上没有一件事一个人会为你多想一步, 原来你是那么的可有可无。

2016/02/27, 决定了不相信爱。

Friday, December 18, 2015

2015-> Bittersweet happiness



天再高 我的快樂至上
愛多大聲 有情人才懂分寸
翻山越嶺只是為了尋找 心中最想的人
再苦再煩我活的認真 至少我會承認愛需要等一等
哭著笑著 不過就是一種過程


只是簡簡單單的愛過 我還是我
簡簡單單的傷過 就不算白活
簡簡單單的瘋過 被夢帶走
當故事結束之後 心也喜歡一個人寂寞


逆風的方向 更適合飛翔 我不怕千萬人阻擋 只怕自己投降
我和我最後的倔強 握緊雙手絕對不放
下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能絕望
我和我驕傲的倔強 我在風中大聲的唱
這一次為自己瘋狂 就這一次 我和我的倔強


四月:《Back to December》

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you.
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine.
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it all right.
I go back to December all the time.



踩着月光 打开车窗 离开这城市想找个解放
我站在靠近天的顶端 张开手全都释放 
用月光取暖 给自己力量
才发现关于梦的答案 一直在自己手上

To be continued :D