
Sunday, November 14, 2010


Yea a very sensitive topic for almost everyone. Even doctors who face death everyday. Hmm few days back a junior from KTT was killed in a road mishap, and he passed away after a few hours. It was really heartbreaking to hear this because once it happened my housemate came and told me about how serious his injury was, and we started praying for him. Just right after we prayed, her bf called to tell us he didn't make through it.

Yea life is so fragile. I was not there so I dont know about the details. What would happen if that day he didn't get onto the bike? What if he died because the hosp didnt transfer him to a better-equipped hospital on time? What if he was wearing a helmet?.........

And after this incident I saw on fb that Tharan's mum passed away. Didnt get to ask about what exactly happened but everybody will definitely have a hard time when somebody close pass away. Tharan is a shy guy who always refuses to talk to me face-to-face. Hope he can be strong to face all the obstacles God gave him.

And after this incident a diabetic HK actor passed away. Since young I am always attached to HK series and stuff, family influence perhaps. Thats why I know pretty much about HK artists, doesnt matter they are famous or not. This is not a very famous one, and you might not know who he is if I tell you his name, but ur reaction after seeing his pic will be OHHHHH I KNOW HIM JUST THAT I DUNNO HIS NAME~Yea, that kind of response. Having had amputation of the right leg at 50 years old, he still insisted to continue his career as an artist. One that works on stage, in front of people, fearless of people's sights and thoughts. Brave is all that I can describe.

So life is fragile. One day you might have everything in the world-
a good career
a happy family
a sweet BF
a bunch of friends who are always there
and many more that others hope for.

But God is not obliged to give you all this. Who knows tomorrow when you wake up, everything just changed suddenly. Came across this in a sina blog:


What is Blessedness?1. Blessedness is that every morning when you wake up, you realize that actually you can sleep for half an hour more.
2. Blessedness is that everytime you go into a class, you notice that the person you are dying to see is in that class too.
3. Blessedness is that when you are tidying your wardrobe, you found a few bucks in the pockets.
4. Blessedness is that you are happy after listening to a song, or watching a movie.
5. Blessedness is that every morning when you open your eyes, you and the people you love are still alive.

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