My mood is so so so so bad now :(
tmrow got viva and I cant finish studying.Tts for sure.
the smell is back.I HATE IT.
the floor is going to be dirty again.I HATE IT.
I have to sweep and mop again. I HATE IT.
Sunday is so memboringkan without having the freedom to walk around the city yang memboringkan......
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Viva in a week's time.
Second internals in 3 weeks time.
Uncompleted portions for anatomy is more than what I have completed.
They started teaching BRAIN today.
I slept in the class. ALL important classes that I supposed to learn from my friends to be ultimately attentive but I failed to do that.
Hate myself.
Hate myself.
Second internals in 3 weeks time.
Uncompleted portions for anatomy is more than what I have completed.
They started teaching BRAIN today.
I slept in the class. ALL important classes that I supposed to learn from my friends to be ultimately attentive but I failed to do that.
Hate myself.
Hate myself.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Boys vs Girls
Too many things happened today which make me feel like concluding some points:
Boys are untrustable. I say this because my friend got cheated by her boyfriend.
Boys are unreasonable. I say this because another friend argued with her boyfriend but he doesnt want to admit his mistakes.
Boys are annoying. I say this because we turned a conversation on skype into an argue which ended so badly.
Ok screw me if you are a boy who think that I am a b**** simply accusing people.
And screw me if you are somebody deeply in love with ur hubby.
But still I want to say: THEY SUCK.
Boys are untrustable. I say this because my friend got cheated by her boyfriend.
Boys are unreasonable. I say this because another friend argued with her boyfriend but he doesnt want to admit his mistakes.
Boys are annoying. I say this because we turned a conversation on skype into an argue which ended so badly.
Ok screw me if you are a boy who think that I am a b**** simply accusing people.
And screw me if you are somebody deeply in love with ur hubby.
But still I want to say: THEY SUCK.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Bad day :(
Today is really not my day. Not to say that I was surrounded by bad luck and it wasnt really 头头碰着黑 in Cantonese. But so many things happened that drove me crazy and frustration started to grow. Uhh.
Woke up at 8am (the bus comes at 8.30am :P) thinking that today is gonna be a nice one because practical would be cancelled and I could go back at 1pm. Unfortunately the frog-like HOD with a huge sinis+fake smile told me that we will still have prac even though other departments cancelled it. Blek another reason why I hate him. Temporal summation of hatred will eventually bring me to hitting him with rocks ISYKK.
And since there was solar ecplise today my dear classmates thought that all classes would be suspended. YOUR HEAD LA SO EASY TO SUSPEND ONE MEH. So no lecturer came in for Anatomy theory and those monkeys started to make noise. I cant really describe their pasar-like noise in a very good way due to the limited vocabulary-but even people doing English Literature wont be able to illustrate it the way I wanted to say BECAUSE THEY WERE REALLY NOISY. In short their talents are to make head and heart aching noises that disturb people who are seeking for tranquility (Hoho this is called jia qing gao, like Bree in Desperate Housewives :D)
After that was dissection class. It irritated me more especially when some people volunteered to do dissection and after completing (so sorry to say her dissection skill was as bad as mine) just left the class without even CONSIDERING to keep the tools and wet the cotton and cover the cadaver and clean the scalpel forceps and bla bla bla. Eh please la do you know what is the meaning of responsibility? Simply threaten a person's body just like that? She had a life like you(perhaps better) before and she deserves respect from us! Donating own body for dissecting and learning purpose doesn't mean that the students can do anything they want.
And I felt deeply sorry for this woman because our table teacher had actually destroyed most of the structures on her head+neck and today the other half of her face was as well gone. Some people actually accidentally cut a part of her mandible aka lower jaw out so now she can't close her mouth and what is left is a protuded tongue. Seriously nobody can ever imagine how nasty it is to touch a cadaver's tongue. Especially for people who dont even share drinks with others via the same straw.
Bluekk dont vomit okay.
Yes WFT (I know I sound like scolding some rough words but trust me I am just calling my sister :P) this part is for you to understand why I felt so inferior today.
Had the stupid physiology practical(as mentioned above-scroll up and read if you skipped it: only applicable to WFT) and we were supposed to do some kind of Cardiovascular and Respiratory system examination. In our group there were 4 girls(including me) and 1 specimen(sorry Faheem for addressing you that hehe), where 3 of the other girls were absent for the previous class. Meaning I am the only one who knows what is happening la. And there is this very annoying PG who came to our group and asked us to demonstrate every step of examination to her. Then of course la she started pointing out mistakes-not pointing out not scolding but it was somekind like menegur in a harsh way.
And pin-pointing mistakes.
And pin-pointing mistakes.
And ask questions.
And ask questions.
Till 4pm lo. Got very frustrated la because human beings are imperfect ma. Everybody commits mistakes right. If I am SO DAMN GOOD that I dont do mistakes why do I come to your class? Last week the another PG only DEMONSTRATED and we didnt get a chance to do it at all so what do you expect?
So feel a lil inferior lo. Got what I mean?
Sien la..So many things else to study and nothing entered my brain. Tired.
And Viva is coming in 2 weeks time. OMG somebody help me please!
Woke up at 8am (the bus comes at 8.30am :P) thinking that today is gonna be a nice one because practical would be cancelled and I could go back at 1pm. Unfortunately the frog-like HOD with a huge sinis+fake smile told me that we will still have prac even though other departments cancelled it. Blek another reason why I hate him. Temporal summation of hatred will eventually bring me to hitting him with rocks ISYKK.
And since there was solar ecplise today my dear classmates thought that all classes would be suspended. YOUR HEAD LA SO EASY TO SUSPEND ONE MEH. So no lecturer came in for Anatomy theory and those monkeys started to make noise. I cant really describe their pasar-like noise in a very good way due to the limited vocabulary-but even people doing English Literature wont be able to illustrate it the way I wanted to say BECAUSE THEY WERE REALLY NOISY. In short their talents are to make head and heart aching noises that disturb people who are seeking for tranquility (Hoho this is called jia qing gao, like Bree in Desperate Housewives :D)
After that was dissection class. It irritated me more especially when some people volunteered to do dissection and after completing (so sorry to say her dissection skill was as bad as mine) just left the class without even CONSIDERING to keep the tools and wet the cotton and cover the cadaver and clean the scalpel forceps and bla bla bla. Eh please la do you know what is the meaning of responsibility? Simply threaten a person's body just like that? She had a life like you(perhaps better) before and she deserves respect from us! Donating own body for dissecting and learning purpose doesn't mean that the students can do anything they want.
And I felt deeply sorry for this woman because our table teacher had actually destroyed most of the structures on her head+neck and today the other half of her face was as well gone. Some people actually accidentally cut a part of her mandible aka lower jaw out so now she can't close her mouth and what is left is a protuded tongue. Seriously nobody can ever imagine how nasty it is to touch a cadaver's tongue. Especially for people who dont even share drinks with others via the same straw.
Bluekk dont vomit okay.
Yes WFT (I know I sound like scolding some rough words but trust me I am just calling my sister :P) this part is for you to understand why I felt so inferior today.
Had the stupid physiology practical(as mentioned above-scroll up and read if you skipped it: only applicable to WFT) and we were supposed to do some kind of Cardiovascular and Respiratory system examination. In our group there were 4 girls(including me) and 1 specimen(sorry Faheem for addressing you that hehe), where 3 of the other girls were absent for the previous class. Meaning I am the only one who knows what is happening la. And there is this very annoying PG who came to our group and asked us to demonstrate every step of examination to her. Then of course la she started pointing out mistakes-not pointing out not scolding but it was somekind like menegur in a harsh way.
And pin-pointing mistakes.
And pin-pointing mistakes.
And ask questions.
And ask questions.
Till 4pm lo. Got very frustrated la because human beings are imperfect ma. Everybody commits mistakes right. If I am SO DAMN GOOD that I dont do mistakes why do I come to your class? Last week the another PG only DEMONSTRATED and we didnt get a chance to do it at all so what do you expect?
So feel a lil inferior lo. Got what I mean?
Sien la..So many things else to study and nothing entered my brain. Tired.
And Viva is coming in 2 weeks time. OMG somebody help me please!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Call me jakun because only yesterday I knew who JS are. JS=Janice and Sonia (P/S: 23years, Australian-born korean, twin sister) Super pretty and they have angelic voice. How can God be so unfair! Love them singing Officially missing you! Bravo..Basically they recorded more Hillsongs but this video on youtube has already reached 1million clicks. ONE MILLION OKAY BUKAN MAIN PUNYA.
Pay attention and listen please :P
Call me jakun because just now only I knew who Pranav Mistry is. 31years old Indian, phD in some engineering thinggy from MIT, comes out with a gadget called the Sixth Sense technology. It means that you can actually write on a sticker note and it will automatically being connected to ur lappie and you will have those words on the screen!
It also means that you can draw and edit 3D objects in computers by drawing in the air in front of your lappie.
It also means that you can just wear something on your fingers and at ANY time drawing/conteng/writing/confessing/scolding some people on the nearest wall.
It also means that you can go online on a piece of blank paper by clipping a small webcam-like stuff in it. You can even play car-racing game! How nice is that..
Basically he is trying to correlate technology with humanity-in the sense that everything he does is to ease people's life and do things according to our mood. Huhu that is what makes things go so smoothly whenever I feel like expressing myself on bloggie but lazy to on lappie and get connected to the darn-slow internet. Interested friends please watch this:
These two things make me feel like the jakunest girl in the jakun city. And oops it is not a jakun city because NY Times just ranked it as the 4th must-visit place in 2010. Take a note: NEW YORK TIMES okay. MYSORE okay. 4th THROUGHOUT THE WORLD okay. My KL got num 30 out of 31 places okay.
Jangan main-main :D
Pay attention and listen please :P
Call me jakun because just now only I knew who Pranav Mistry is. 31years old Indian, phD in some engineering thinggy from MIT, comes out with a gadget called the Sixth Sense technology. It means that you can actually write on a sticker note and it will automatically being connected to ur lappie and you will have those words on the screen!
It also means that you can draw and edit 3D objects in computers by drawing in the air in front of your lappie.
It also means that you can just wear something on your fingers and at ANY time drawing/conteng/writing/confessing/scolding some people on the nearest wall.
It also means that you can go online on a piece of blank paper by clipping a small webcam-like stuff in it. You can even play car-racing game! How nice is that..
Basically he is trying to correlate technology with humanity-in the sense that everything he does is to ease people's life and do things according to our mood. Huhu that is what makes things go so smoothly whenever I feel like expressing myself on bloggie but lazy to on lappie and get connected to the darn-slow internet. Interested friends please watch this:
These two things make me feel like the jakunest girl in the jakun city. And oops it is not a jakun city because NY Times just ranked it as the 4th must-visit place in 2010. Take a note: NEW YORK TIMES okay. MYSORE okay. 4th THROUGHOUT THE WORLD okay. My KL got num 30 out of 31 places okay.
Jangan main-main :D
Monday, January 11, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Jumbling up everything.
Going back to Mysore tmrow. Have to familiarize myself with books and cow dunks again. ISYKK.
Went for a karaoke session with sis. Lame la itu Neway-force people to buy tit-bits which is expensive and NOT worth its value at all. Nuggets and fries for RM11?GO AND ROB LA :D
Xmas present by classmate Parot. (Please exclude the air ticket. Takkan he belanja me that meh. T.T")
With Mr Dzulhusni in front of the gate one moment before I said byebye to India.
Xmas present from Kelvin! Beeeeeee XD
Xmas presents for 3 of us from a hidden Santa Claus. WE KNOW IT WAS YOU MR LIM.
Class party with 3 cuties.
VERY nice shoes from Rebekah. Not a present though :)
1/1/09-I ended an intimate relationship with a close friend of mine (dont want to mention the reason again-for interested candidates, kindly refer to my older posts). Very surprised that he actually nudged me on msn and initiated to chat. It has been a really really really long time since we calmly sat down and chatted. Nothing special, just that we started talking on nonsenses and making fun of each other AGAIN-on topic which were once so sensitive for both of us.
"Aiya u didnt even tell me about her."
"U saw me on msn during that period? MSN probbie la."
"But u shud also informed me ma. U promised last time!"
"Ok sorry my fault. Ya I admit now enough?"
"Yeah tts great. D***** right? Congrats. Next time must invite me to your wedding dinner hoho."
"Wah dont say til so far 1st. Sometimes things dont go the way we hope it to be right? Okla I will la if it really happens. You too k?"
"Ya, but you will get married 1st."
"Where can say like tt one. Promise ya?"
"Ok, promise!"
Kinda unbelievable that we can become friends again. One year ago, so many things happened between us that made us no longer friends. And that time I really thought I lost somebody who knows me so well, eternally. But it is all back that day.
Perhaps, a sign of new hope for 2010?
Went for a karaoke session with sis. Lame la itu Neway-force people to buy tit-bits which is expensive and NOT worth its value at all. Nuggets and fries for RM11?GO AND ROB LA :D






1/1/09-I ended an intimate relationship with a close friend of mine (dont want to mention the reason again-for interested candidates, kindly refer to my older posts). Very surprised that he actually nudged me on msn and initiated to chat. It has been a really really really long time since we calmly sat down and chatted. Nothing special, just that we started talking on nonsenses and making fun of each other AGAIN-on topic which were once so sensitive for both of us.
"Aiya u didnt even tell me about her."
"U saw me on msn during that period? MSN probbie la."
"But u shud also informed me ma. U promised last time!"
"Ok sorry my fault. Ya I admit now enough?"
"Yeah tts great. D***** right? Congrats. Next time must invite me to your wedding dinner hoho."
"Wah dont say til so far 1st. Sometimes things dont go the way we hope it to be right? Okla I will la if it really happens. You too k?"
"Ya, but you will get married 1st."
"Where can say like tt one. Promise ya?"
"Ok, promise!"
Kinda unbelievable that we can become friends again. One year ago, so many things happened between us that made us no longer friends. And that time I really thought I lost somebody who knows me so well, eternally. But it is all back that day.
Perhaps, a sign of new hope for 2010?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year!
Hey people it is 2010 already! How was last year?And how was last year's countdown?LOL ok I know it is lame =)

Listening to JJ's 7th album-100days. Awhh no wonder he is always my beloved. But there is still slight disappointment towards his newly released album in which I have waited for one-whole-long-year. Compared to the 6th album, this one contains less sparkles I would say. Mostly are J-style love songs which sometimes make people feel bored.

重点推荐-背对背拥抱,爱不会绝迹,转动。Yea, 3 only that actually suit public's taste. (Sad to feel disappointed towards an artist whom I am in love for YEARS-7years I think)
Had lunch with Eunice and her family just now--Secret Recipe's TomYam spaghetti+Oreo cheese. Not going to comment on the food because everything I eat in Malaysia is delicious. VERY Yummy esp things you dont even find in India. Zi Xuan IS SO CUTE NOW. And totally different from how she looks in the piccies Eunice mms-ed me last time. Piccies on facebook soon once she uploaded!
Haizz stil got 3 days ONLY-and I am going back to India. Kinda sad actually because nobody is free to layan me. Hoho nola most of my friends are not in Malaysia. Others have exam, not free, not close to me, busy with boyfriends and lalalalala. People at age of 20 never expect them to sit properly at home. It doesnt happen =)
ARGHHHH I DONT WANT TO GO BACK AND FACE ALL THOSE BOOKS THAT DRIVE ME CRAZY. I know once I go back=havta study damn hard because most of the portions are over and I am lagging like hell ==(((((
And 米修米修 I miss you XD

Listening to JJ's 7th album-100days. Awhh no wonder he is always my beloved. But there is still slight disappointment towards his newly released album in which I have waited for one-whole-long-year. Compared to the 6th album, this one contains less sparkles I would say. Mostly are J-style love songs which sometimes make people feel bored.

重点推荐-背对背拥抱,爱不会绝迹,转动。Yea, 3 only that actually suit public's taste. (Sad to feel disappointed towards an artist whom I am in love for YEARS-7years I think)
Had lunch with Eunice and her family just now--Secret Recipe's TomYam spaghetti+Oreo cheese. Not going to comment on the food because everything I eat in Malaysia is delicious. VERY Yummy esp things you dont even find in India. Zi Xuan IS SO CUTE NOW. And totally different from how she looks in the piccies Eunice mms-ed me last time. Piccies on facebook soon once she uploaded!
Haizz stil got 3 days ONLY-and I am going back to India. Kinda sad actually because nobody is free to layan me. Hoho nola most of my friends are not in Malaysia. Others have exam, not free, not close to me, busy with boyfriends and lalalalala. People at age of 20 never expect them to sit properly at home. It doesnt happen =)
ARGHHHH I DONT WANT TO GO BACK AND FACE ALL THOSE BOOKS THAT DRIVE ME CRAZY. I know once I go back=havta study damn hard because most of the portions are over and I am lagging like hell ==(((((
And 米修米修 I miss you XD
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