
Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Call me jakun because only yesterday I knew who JS are. JS=Janice and Sonia (P/S: 23years, Australian-born korean, twin sister) Super pretty and they have angelic voice. How can God be so unfair! Love them singing Officially missing you! Bravo..Basically they recorded more Hillsongs but this video on youtube has already reached 1million clicks. ONE MILLION OKAY BUKAN MAIN PUNYA.

Pay attention and listen please :P

Call me jakun because just now only I knew who Pranav Mistry is. 31years old Indian, phD in some engineering thinggy from MIT, comes out with a gadget called the Sixth Sense technology. It means that you can actually write on a sticker note and it will automatically being connected to ur lappie and you will have those words on the screen!

It also means that you can draw and edit 3D objects in computers by drawing in the air in front of your lappie.

It also means that you can just wear something on your fingers and at ANY time drawing/conteng/writing/confessing/scolding some people on the nearest wall.

It also means that you can go online on a piece of blank paper by clipping a small webcam-like stuff in it. You can even play car-racing game! How nice is that..

Basically he is trying to correlate technology with humanity-in the sense that everything he does is to ease people's life and do things according to our mood. Huhu that is what makes things go so smoothly whenever I feel like expressing myself on bloggie but lazy to on lappie and get connected to the darn-slow internet. Interested friends please watch this:

These two things make me feel like the jakunest girl in the jakun city. And oops it is not a jakun city because NY Times just ranked it as the 4th must-visit place in 2010. Take a note: NEW YORK TIMES okay. MYSORE okay. 4th THROUGHOUT THE WORLD okay. My KL got num 30 out of 31 places okay.

Jangan main-main :D


Anonymous said...

im as jakun as you dun worry, and more. :(

hahahahaa..i live in ny and i dun even read ny times lol. i read free paper. XD

Phoebe woo said...

apa tu free paper?the sun?hahaha..

Anonymous said...

lol. here got like three types of free paper, metro, am new york and epoch times. all are quality stuff on their own XD