
Tuesday, December 17, 2013


十年了。有一种信念,一种感动,是永远不会变的 ❤️ 
活在有你的时代,真好 :)

终于如愿以偿看到他的演唱会了。为了这么一次的感动,我真的等了好久好久😭 这几个小时让我想起了好多事情,好多不同的感受。十年了,我依然不相信自己喜欢他那么久啦!



我不要 一直到 形同陌路变成自找 既然可以拥抱 就不要轻易放掉

笑着说爱让人疯狂 哭着说爱让人紧张 忘不了那个人就投降

别告诉她我还想她 就让沉默 代替所有回答



后会有期 :)



Tuesday, December 3, 2013

爱,一直都在 <3 ❤️

我本来就不是个很会写作的人,写的东西不流畅,表达能力又差,又是个标准型双子座:急性子,头脑转得太快了,完全记不住刚刚想写什么 =.=












Monday, November 4, 2013


These 4days diwali holiday was very helpful and appropriate to have myself recharged in order to face the upcoming exam (which is in 2weeks oh no!). Yea and dont ask me why med students always have exams, you think i like exam also a? Didnt really get my battery to reach 100%, but at least i think its sufficient for me to live through Nov lol.

Things done in this 4 days:-

Visited Ooty, a hill place around 6000ft above sea level, with awesome weather but people keep staring at you like some creatures from the other planet. That kinda drove me crazy. But nevertheless I love the hotel, kinda miss the time where I just had to turn my head to watch firecrackers while lying on the bed. Yea something like what you see in ads and movies. 

Also experienced something different by directly dealing with people and driver. Thats the advantage of going for a trip with boys because usually they will settle everything and all you need to do is to hop onto the car and sleep. And you dont have to make any decisions teehee. 

Also watched a horror movie with friends who insisted on it. I think these boys their main aim is to see girls scream and record a video and laugh at her forever =.= but i'm so glad that he chose a wrong movie so it turned out to be kinda funny. and with people around you trying so hard to crack jokes during horror scenes really did ease some tension haha. Eventually Ian was the one who screamed hahaha laugh die me. 

First ever ghost movie experience turned out to be so funny lol. Moreover it was a Thai horror film *goosebumps* 

And that too reminds me of how blissful I am to be a part of this Mysore family who stays close to each other, how we text and pray for each other during every exams, how we think about each other and buy them gifts whenever we are on trips, and how we celebrate almost all occasions together. 

I think this is one thing that i'm gonna miss alot next time <3 

Friday, October 4, 2013








Saturday, September 28, 2013



一年一度的dasara holiday又要到了~因为上课的关系市场都找不到机会去玩,久而久之印度的学生就是以“一放假就要逃出自己的所在城市”闻名了。

一直以来都很想去Mother Theresa's Home 做义工。长大了才发现,



我从没想过要用自己的双手创造出什么惊天动地的神话,但我希望这两只手能帮到需要的人。其实帮人是其次,我更想做到的是多看看这世界。Calcutta 本来就是我最最最讨厌的城市,没去过但听说好几百遍了,三个字:乱,脏,臭。






Sunday, September 22, 2013

This is not an emo post.

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

Exactly. Because you see things that the others don't can't. And you accept all his/her imperfection, 

and start loving 'em. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013





Monday, September 9, 2013

Another ass kicking week!

Hmm don't ask me how I spent my precious 2 1/2 days of break, because I wont be able to answer. Had a miserable time management lately, being that sleepy head who doesnt respond to alarm makes me wanna bang my head to the wall. (Mainly because we have a guest at home aka housemate's bf and he literally asked why you keep sleeping one phoebe? =.=' )

I think my mouse scroller is not being helpful at all. When i'm jobless i just keep scrolling pages by pages of everything on the net. Hmm I'm such a city girl who cant live without my phone and internet. At least thats what my two housemates say. 

Went out ystday looking for the buddhist temple but attempt failed. Haha pity the driver who agreed on fetching me there. We ended up roaming around not knowing where we were, and eventually reaching silent shores hahahaha. #random 

And today was a pretty productive day-in terms of oral musculature exercises. Havent talked to kelvin since months! hopefully by the time he comes again we have already passed our finals. Got to nom nom the yumm krispe kreme also today thanks to the angelic messenger who compressed it in his bag all the way from bangalore! Been craving for it for monthsssssss. sobs, i really need to go eat and shop at blore soon :( 

Basically I have no idea why am I writing this also bcos this whole diary is so boring and pointless. Whee anyhow I get to see my lovely surgeon tmrow yay!!! *runs around with excitement* 

Sunday, September 1, 2013



总为你忐忑 为你心软,







Monday, August 26, 2013












Thursday, August 22, 2013




Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013




Friday, August 9, 2013

Love song.

I do believe all the love you give
All of the things you do
Love you love you ~
I’ll keep you safe, don’t you worry
I wouldn’t leave, wanna keep you near
Cause I feel the same way too
Love you love you ~
Want you to know that I’m with you
I will love you and love you and love you
Gonna hold you and hold you and squeeze you
I will please you for all times
I dont wanna lose you and lose you and lose you
Cause I need you I need you I need you
So I want you to be my lady
You’ve got to understand my love
You are beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful girl
You are beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful girl

Seriously, I dont understand why Gonna hold you and hold you and SQUEEZE you?!?!

Ok other than that this is such a beautiful piece. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013


India is a really depressing place! 28.7.13 marks the 4th year I am staying here. And I know I am not gonna come back to this place EVER AGAIN after I leave.

Mentally tired these days. With the URTI I got from the ward its just making things worse. 

Exam in less than 2 weeks and I am not being serious about it. I know I shouldn't, but seriously I cant find whats wrong with myself. Sometimes keep asking myself did I land up in depression without realising it? 

Can't seem to find a way out permanently. 

Thats why I keep trying to cheer myself out seeing funny gifs and videos of people I like, listening to their songs make me feel a lot better. 

I wont let myself to land up in depression, dont worry :) 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Baby don't cry.

Baby don't cry- for those babies who cry in chorus in Paed emergency ward.

Awww Baek.

Urgh I am getting myself that damn bag.

Lazy B syndrome.

Basically imma now in a very slack mode not ready for exam and life yet. But waking up in palpitation every morning is just so freaking annoying. Everyday going to class, feeling stupid, coming back home feeling exhausted, plan to start studying at night but ended up watching videos on youtube. Haih life.

Keep telling myself to work hard yet the motivation keeps fleeting away.

Until I saw that post about how hard they work to achieve what they want. Then I started thinking of myself, my life, about how spending the most precious time in my life here in India, trying to achieve what I always want to do. Trying to reassure myself that I am just one step away, crossing the next traffic light down at the next junction is my ultimate aim =)

The previous week was a really dark one for myself. Kind of lost myself in this entirely alien place (not knowing why). Luckily there are still friends who whatsapp me all the time to keep me accompanied. Thanks alot even though you only call me when u are driving home from work alone, when you feel frustrated, and when you need someone to go pasar malam along.

But I feel happy listening to those stuffs. Saying " What?! you dont know burgerlab? Kampung betul. Come back fast la I bring you to eat."

or " I go first now and next time go with you again ok? Morning u go shopping I sleep in the hotel. At night only you drag me out to eat".

It makes me feel treasured you know :) Most of the time I am always the one doing all this. Saying weiii miss our bedtime stories session, I miss us running up the hill together and shout all the way down, I miss sitting in your car parked in front of McD and I am always the one going down to buy icecream for us.

Whenever I feel suffocated, I always look up and say Thank God, Thanks for giving me so much, so much that I dont know how to repay You.

3 more days to another weekend yay.

Everyday I feel thankful that everyone I love is still breathing. I can't ask for more, thank you.

(Dark shadows please go away, I am full of positive energy now YAYYY!)

Monday, June 10, 2013

The best way to love you is to stop asking myself why.

偶然看到微薄有人用了这句话,就突然很有感觉要写blog. 但是有点不敢写得太“毒舌” ,原因呢- 因为那天在等人家生孩子的时候遇到一个senior,他竟然说认识我,也知道我写blog, 以前有看过我写关于印度关于医院关于大学的东西(其实真的不知道是好的还是不好的),总之就吓一跳啦,现在开始要收敛一点了!

而且写中文也好~因为他看不懂!wahahahhaha =p

周末继续写吧~因为很想把微薄那个人的文贴过来在家自己的意见,等他的permission ba! =)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I'll never break your heart, no, you just broke mine ouchhhh.

Keep listening to this song since morning for God knows why. Had a productive morning waking up at 7am to jog and do pilates =)

These ladies on the stage are really lucccccckieeeeeeee. Cisssss, why some people are just born to be so lucky.

I'll never break your heart.

I'll never make you cry.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

one-third of 2013 is over.

like the title suggests, one-third of 2013 is over. have you accomplished few of the things you have listed under this year's resolution?

these 2 days i have been spending many hours watching a travelling documentary where this team travelled around the globe in 80 days. aiksss, it stimulates my urge to travel again! *nerve endings activated*. So meanwhile i have read a few travel blogs and kind of decide where i really wanna go when i have time in the future.

Have a cup of coffee at Chàmps-Elysée, feel the atmosphere at Charles bridge, bump into masked Seunghyun in Seoul, walk by the brisk wind at Victoria Harbour, trek and wait for the sunrise at Himalaya peak, snorkel at the natural beauty of Sabah, bungee jumping at the edge of Pokhara, stretch my stomach to its max at Taipei night market, and etc etc.

So much to do, yet so less time.

And again, a meaningful quote that I came across couple of days back: accident and tomorrow, nobody knows which will come first.

Attached here are 2 UNEDITED photos I took in Kashmir, definitely one of the most stunning and picturesque scenaries I have ever seen =D

Till then, save more money to accomplish my dreams (and pray hard so that no concert will break my heart anymore)

Happy Labourers day, to all the labourers out there, take a day off :)

Friday, April 26, 2013

when you are unhappy, talk to the plant.

This is a picture taken in front of medicine ward the other day. Saja and randomly sharing hehe :) Have a good weekend, yes you the one who's reading this right now.



我其实一直以来都相信世界是很美好的,直到今年一而再地发生了一些让我很不开心的事情后,我开始害怕了。有段时间真的很不明白为什么上天每次在给我一样东西后要拿走我另外十样东西,不明白为什么在我跌进坑里时还要把我埋起来。朋友在转发这句话的时候又附加了一个blog address, 我看了过后好喜欢!所以我要坐下来好好想一下这段时间里身边有没有发生过一些小快乐。

1。今天早上出门的时候在楼下碰到一个外国老伯伯在做早操,他跟我说了 good morning =) 

2。进了外科之后遇到个很奇怪的医生,他人真的很好(可惜不会教书),每天早上都坚持问我们 Have everyone had breakfast? How many of you have had? Please raise your hand. 每次他一问我都很想大笑哈哈哈哈哈。

3。有时候不怎么联络的朋友突然whatsapp来,打开看后第一句是 Hi, dear. Hope everything is fine at your side. 感觉很窝心,很温暖。

4。前几天我只是尝试一下问个朋友介不介意transfer unit,本来以为他会说不要的,岂知他的回答是 yea, if you need me. 

5。上星期考试那个病人还有家属真的很合作,被我烦了整天竟然没有破口大骂。(要知道他们是不需要坐在那边被你烦的,而且他还是中风+心脏有问题- 应该活不了多久了)。


Friday, March 22, 2013


先转载一篇在网上看到的文章,是个有名的DJ ROYCE 写的。要谢谢他让我有感而发回过头去看下自己一路走来的日子。





我们一起毕业,我拿了3.8/4.0 的CGPA,他才3.0/4.0。






真的。就算你拿了10个A,我也不会敬佩你的。没有人生历练,你也只不过是最没有生产价值的。。。学生。 :)

其实我一向来都想我周围的人了解到成绩其实不是最重要的。当然,从小到大我的成绩都还不错,而且还越大就越好。是因为越来越知道自己想要的是什么吗?我不知道。UPSR 因为科学拿了B 进不了当时最红的sekolah bestari,反而误打误撞进了一间平凡到不行的中学。然后不知道为什么成绩也越来越不错(妈妈说是因为补习有用),过后PMR SPM 也考得很好。所以从以前到现在大家都认为我是个会读书的人。没有人说过我很“聪明”,他们只说我很“厉害”。当然啊,聪明的人成绩未必好,但是成绩好的人都是厉害的。

得了奖学金进大学念A-levels 的时候才知道什么叫卧虎藏龙。有些每天都很努力的读书,也有些很努力的玩dota但是成绩也不错,有些会读书又会运动,有些成绩很好但交际能力更棒。那时候才开始觉得自己真的普通到不行,除了成绩不错之外好像什么都不太会。作为学生我是成功了,但是作个成功的人,我好像还遥不可及。


从大学开始我的成绩都是很好的那种,可能我真的很喜欢自己在做的东西吧!但是我真的很讨厌大家都把我当那种很很很会读书的书呆子(其实课外的东西我会的也不少ok =.=)有些同学会把我设为目标,明年一定要打败她之类的(可笑,你还以为你上小学啊?)。我每次都要求自己在能力范围内做到最好,其余的就交给上帝吧。我尽力了,我对得起自己。该玩的时候就玩,该认真的时候就认真。


我一向来的motto是- The most humble person goes furthest in medicine. 不敢想以后自己能走到多远,时时刻刻保持谦虚好学的心态,我想那就足够了 :) 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What? Its just wednesday?

新歌来啦~这首叫“以后要做的事”,我希望用這首歌來 鼓勵大家,要對自己的未來有把握。以後還有很多要去完成的任務,追求的夢想。不能輕易放棄!


This month God has pushed me to the edge of the cliff, and I am like struggling so hard holding the rope not to fall. I really do believe that He will catch me when I fall, do you? Came through this website when I was browsing, our hospital really has alot of CP cases. Earning money and becoming a rich doctor memang is not my initial intention of doing medicine, so hopefully next time I can spend more time doing charity esp helping these CP kids.

They really need a lot of help and care, including the family. Cant imagine the social stigma they received all this while. Haih life. 


Friday, March 8, 2013

spring is getting over!

so as the title suggests, summer is reaching in no time. am already feeling the scorching sun striking on my stratum corneum depositing rays everyday, especially on the way from lecture hall to the main gate in evenings. clicked this pic in ortho ward the other day when i had nothing to do. so beautiful! :D

and another beautiful thing is- i changed my lappie wallpaper lalala~ really not used to seeing someone's face popping out from the screen everytime i switch on. but still. lalalala lets see how long i can keep this betraying my man :p

yenyen calls him my small boyfriend hahaha. ( what to do, even the most serious girl in my house has turned into a pedophilic noona)

I am not a pedophile!

But yea, I am a noona to so many people :/

Wednesday, February 20, 2013




如果我是制作公司,我应该会推出 《林俊杰十年歌路- 爱》新歌加精选吧! 毕竟广为人知的还是他那些脍炙人口的林式情歌 :) 

好啦讲了那么多我最后还是会去买个十周年纪念版本吧。 十年了!我的青春啊~

STORIES UNTOLD. 13/3/2013.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Gone nuts.

Making a promise together,
Even if I have to walk this road alone, temporarily,
I’ll show you everything I’ve got.

Feel so stupid dumb and useless in clinics everyday, the only way to release stress these days is to have dinner properly and watch some entertainment shows with friends. 

I think I have gone nuts because I started listening to rap. yes RAP. Something that I used to hate so much last time. 

Its a rap song.

The rapper is not even good looking. 

Most importantly, I dont know what he is rapping about. HAHAHAHAHA. 

good way to release stress la, plugging onto my sennheisers and raising the volume to 75, am loving his deep harsh ultra sexayyy solemn rapping voice baybeh. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Valentine's 2013.

sometimes I feel really glad for their existence. Thanks for being here, here with me, despite all the shitty stuffs that happen everyday. Valentine's day 2013- Chinese Corner Mysore.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy belated CNY, Happy belated Valentine's.

So I am back in India for 10days already. (OS: What?! only 10days? It feels like 10 months =[ ) But honestly deep down inside I have already known the fact that I am not going to leave this country for the next 11 or 12 months. Nobody takes a break for final year, and nobody affords to fail and get retained for another 6months. And its pretty weird to see the front benches being occupied at all times. 

Since last week I have started feeling the stress of being in final year, even though alot of people still say that 8th term is relaxing and 9th term will be like hell. For me the gateway to hell is already opened the minute I stepped into this gandhi land. 

Obviously we are expected to know EVERYTHING, and I am kinda shocked by how unprepared I am to be a doctor. One more year 11 more months for a license to kill. Thats when I start doubting myself. Everyone thinks that getting distinctions in medical school is a very powerful thing, but trust me, good docs normally score badly in exams. Because they don't go according to the format, answer scheme, textbooks. (I am not saying those without theory knowledge will be good docs, at least please know your basics well) A good doc recollects what he/she knows, thinks actively in managing a patient. No one can memorize the whole textbook and throw it up when someone's life is at stake.

I dont want to be that kind of person who score well in exam, but go blank when someone is dying in front of you. No, I know I still haven't found the way of studying medicine. So there is absolutely nothing to be proud of by getting distinction, it probably just mean that you are a nerd.

Am lovin' my Orthopaedics posting now.  Because there are good docs out here who teach, smile, joke around, and play games in OT when there is no case. 

If I am going to be a teacher next time I will be like them. "I was a student too, thats why I dont push my students too hard." awwwww such a lovely doctor. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What pheeba listens to.

Just tweeted about this and thought it might not be enough to express how much I like this song HAHAHA. So I wanna recommend this song on my blog. Came across this song RANDOMLY on I DUNNO WHERE, pressed play, and liked it. Its an accident =)

Am not really a j-pop or k-pop fans and I used to emphasize alot on lyrics, or at least something that I can understand. Nowadays things have changed a little as in I started getting messages from the tunes itself (ok not as in "messages" literally zzz). I have no idea who this flumpool is, but when one song hits you at that right point, it gets imprinted in your cerebral cortex.

A very simple song. Me loveeee =)

Okla since we are talking about jap/korean wave here, of course la have to share my fav video here :D

Jaejin's voice is BIG BIG LOVEEEEEEE <3 b="b" nbsp="nbsp">
(okay and this "oppa" thing is not really applicable to me because he is like wayyyyy younger than me T.T)

And yea, I choose to step back and refuse to follow the "listen" wave. 

Monday, January 14, 2013


Finally! After 2 days of hardwork and straining my eyes like how those villagers are supposed to strain the water with double layer of cloth to kill cyclops (commed overdose :p) MY ITUNES IS LOOKING PRETTIER THAN ITS OWNER NOW! wahahahahahaha happy die me.

I have always wanted to make the nice and proper itunes layout but unfortunately everytime I give up because its toooooo annoying and troublesome.

Okla I admit I peer pressure :p Both my housemates have extraordinarily organized itunes library and its only me with the songs-here-and-there lib.

I have no idea which oversmart software engineer designed itunes. Its one of the most annoying program on earth. I would like to put it under #1.

YIPPIE~!!! *dancing one more night remix version in the room*

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Supposed to feel very relieved and relaxing after the last theory paper today, but strangely I didnt. Sometimes I really think that med school has somehow shaped us into automatically responding exam machines, with the adrenaline rush and stress during exam its almost impossible to sleep and eat well.

I think my cholinergic system really has to start dominating now. Haven't been sleeping properly for the past one week and surprisingly I could stay up to study whole night- with a clear mind not that type where your mind is partially detached and saliva drooling on textbooks. Exams turned out to be just fine because all I want is to just pass. 3rd year has been a great relaxing honeymoon year and the final challenge is reaching in no time.

I wanna go back to Malaysia :( Wanna wear my black dress and heels to shop at KLCC, wanna eat at that dimsum shop opposite my house, wanna go for road trip with friends, wanna go malacca for food as I have promised.

And I have kinda figured out what to wear on that day going home hahaha.

Pracs starting next sunday. Haihhh. But tomorrow is gonna be a book-free day yay. I <3 the stress-free me. So much.